This page was last updated on: November 9, 2005

Welcome to Linda Haswell's Budgie web site where you view some of my budgies on the home page, which is called Budgiepics. You can also visit some of the other links which include Showing of Budgies, Breeding of Budgies, Problems that budgies can have, and Other birds that I have had and breed.
I got mt first budgie in 1968 for $0.99 as an Easter present from my parents, she was a a Cobalt hen named Queenie. When she died in 1974, I found that a year without a bird was unbearable. So in 1975 I bought my first English blooded budgies started breeding and I bred my first baby in 1976.
My first pair was a Yellowface skyblue German Fallow hen and a normal Skyblue cock, which cost me $15 for the pair, from a novice breder. This pair gave me yellowface skyblue opalines and skyblue dilutes (Whites).
I then bought other birds from Champion breeders and bred my first my winner in 1977, a Dark green hen, 2 nd best Novice and a Sky blue cock, Best young bird in Show.
As a Champion breeder I am still breeding rares and winning Best in Show! |

Linda Haswell 70 Olsen Drive, Don Mills, Ontario Canada M3A 3J3 (416) 445 -1896 |
Here is a picture of all the awards that can be won at an Annual All Cage Bird Show. These are the awards of the Budgeriagr and Foriegn Bird Society in Ontario, Canada. This show is held every year in the fall. |
I started showing as a Novice in 1976 and I had my first win with a Dark Green hen in 1977. But I had my first Best in Show at a Nest Feather Show with an Opaline Grey Green Dominat Pied hen in 1978.
I enjoy showing! It is the thrill of competition that gets my heart racing and nmy blood pumping, when the judge is moving my birds forward. |
In this picture I won Best Novice in 1988 with a Lutino Hen. |
In this picture I won Best Novice in 1989 with a Grey Dilute Cock |
In the lates 1980' s, I was winning with my Lutino hen, Best Novice and Best Red eye as well as a 2 nd Best in Show! Her daughter, a Cinnamon GFrey hen was also winning.
I was also winning Best Novice, several times, in the early 1990' with a Grey White.
In the mide 1990's I was winning with a White Double Factor Spangle.
Finally, in the 1990's, 1998-2001, I won BEST IN SHOW with a Grey green COCK. In 2002, I won Best in Show at the Canadian National, September 20-22, hosted by the Durham Avicultural Society and Best in Show at the Canadian Avicultaural Society, October 25, 26 , 2002. |
This Grey Green Cock won BEST IN SHOW 4 Times!. |
Some Pointers for Showing Budgies (What to do and what not to do!) |
Trying to correct the feathers manually does not work! |

1) Make sure the bird stands up straight and tall. Do not try to make the bird hold it' head up straight because the bird will forget and the feathers will not stary up by themselves! As shown in the photo above.
2) Make sure the bird does not have a dirty or runny nose. judges don' like looking at a bird that has stained it' feathers from a runny nose. Wash the head feathers with bird shampoo, rinse well. I use an Itlaian Canary shampoo but other exhibitors I know use baby shampoo. I also like to spray all the birds that are going to the show at least every other day 2 weeks before a show. I use warm boiled and filtered water.
3) Make sure your bird as all it's feathers. I have seen some beautiful birds on the show bench that didn' t have all flights on on it's wing nearest to the show cage wall. Check each wing and talil to make sure all feathers are accounted for.
4) Do not show a flecked bird no matter how much you like the bird. The bird will never win Best in Show, unless the judge is bribed well or intoxicated! This bird below would never win but it would make a good stock bird for breeding. |

Follow my pointers and Good Luck on the show bench! |
Good Stock hen for Breeding and not showing! |
Light green cock won Best in Show twice in 2002 and in 2003. |
I was judging the Ottawa Bird Fanciers' Society Annual Bird show and the Canadian Avicultural Sociey Anuual show in 2001 and Cage Bird Society of Hamilton Annual show in 2002 and 2005. I judged the Ottawa show again in 2003 and 2005. In 2005 I judged Canadian National Show in Edmonton Alberta. |

Green ( Grey green or Light Green)..................................................$40 Hand tamed/trained Green..................................................................$45 Hand Fed Green.....................................................................................$50
Blue (Skyblue or Grey).........................................................................$45 Hand Tamed/trained Blue or Grey.....................................................$50 Hand Fed Blue or Grey.........................................................................$55
Fancy colours (Pieds, Dilutes, Red Eyes, Spangles)....................$50 Hand tamed/trained Fancy...................................................................$55 Hand Fed Fancy......................................................................................$60 |